Matthew Schutte

Author: matthewschutte (page 6 of 6)

In this talk, I talk about several things including:
-the maker movement

-flow states

-the relationship between autonomy and passion and the implications for organizational structures

-the accelerated pace of change being fostered by internet enabled knowledge flows

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unFLTRD | on non-academia — Jarod Holtz + Matthew Schutte

Jarod discusses his decision to not pursue a PhD as of yet, in part due to the breadth of approach that he felt was necessary to design solutions that meet the rising global threats that we are facing. The two of us then discuss the plusses and minuses of formal academic structures with regard to the development of breakthrough solutions.


This is a brief chat about some of the drivers of inequality at present as well as the way that I believe the Collaborative Internet may counterbalance one of those drivers.

Matthew Schutte
Jarod Holtz

unFLTRD | Alan Karp

Matt and Alan discuss the work that he and Marc Stiegler have been doing over the past ten years to improve usability by adding security.  Alan unpacks that seemingly paradoxical statement and explains not only why this is important, but how it can actually be implemented.



Requirements and Principles for Usable Security — Make the secure way the easy way.

The state of usable security today (Authentication separated from Authorization, OAuth, Least Authority, chrome, JavaScript and ECMAScript5, Authorization Tokens, Capabilities – designation + permission to use)

Quantum Computers and the breaking of Factoring Based Cryptography

Plotting a new way to give out your phone number

Full Interview (42 Minutes)


Intro to Capabilities Based Security



unFLTRD | Espen Sivertsen

Matt discusses the future of 3D printing with Espen Sivertsen, CEO of Type A Machines, the manufacturers of the machine that Make Magazine named the best 3D Printer for under $2000.

Click any link to jump to a specific section of the video

Snap Shot Summary


Show and Tell

The Future of 3D Printing – 3 Waves

Modular Machines, a Hack-friendly Warranty + Human Relationships

Wi-Fi enabled 3D printers, API’s and the internet of things

company history

Full Interview (36 minutes)


This is what happens when staccato takes liquid form.

unFLTRD | Travis Wellman

3 Minute Summary

Full Conversation


A history of my thought on a number of subjects

I originally wrote this email back at the end of April, 2013 as an introduction to someone who has since become a friend.  However, it is one of the more detailed written descriptions of my thinking on a number of issues and maps out the history of how I stumbled onto those insights / opinions.

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